General Information

Dear Sir or Madam

Due to the regulations provided for in the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council

(EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation) - hereinafter referred to as the GDPR, please consent to the processing of your personal data stored in cookies. At the same time, please read the following information regarding personal data protection.

Cookies files:

This website uses cookies for purposes related to improving its functioning and

for the marketing purposes of the data controller. If you do not want cookies to be saved on your computer, please read the Cookies Policy, where you can find information regarding changing browser settings in order to disable cookies. Disabling file handling cookies may slow down the performance of the website on your device.


The administrator of your data is GREN FOX Główna 188 42-280 Częstochowa

Purpose and legal basis for the processing of personal data:

- marketing, including profiling and analytical purposes - voluntary consent

- provision of services by electronic means - necessity of data for the provision of services

Data recipients:

The recipients of the data are entities processing data at the request of the data controller and entities

entitled to obtain data on the basis of applicable law or the consent of the Client. Entities

processing data on behalf of the administrator are indicated in point 18 of the Privacy Policy.


Processing of personal data for purposes other than the above and their transfer to other than the above-mentioned recipients

may only take place with your consent expressed in a voluntary, informed and unambiguous manner.

If the purpose of personal data processing changes, you will be asked to provide

such consent.

Data processing time:

- when providing services - for the time necessary to complete the contract;

- in marketing activities, including profiling and analytics - until the consent is withdrawn.

Rights of the data subject:

In connection with the processing of the above-mentioned personal data by the administrator, you have the right to:

- requests from the Administrator to access data, rectify it, delete it ("right to be

forgotten ") or processing restrictions

- data portability

- object to processing

- lodging a complaint to the supervisory authority

- withdrawal of consent to processing at any time

Withdrawal of consent

The declaration of withdrawal of consent may be submitted at any time. The declaration must be submitted

the administrator directly or using the above-mentioned address data.

Data necessary for the performance of the contract. Providing some personal data by you is necessary for the performance of the contract and fulfillment of the legal obligation incumbent on the administrator. In the event of failure to provide the necessary the data will not be possible to perform the contract. Data unnecessary for the performance of the contract are not required for it conclusion - failure to provide this data does not affect the performance of the contract.

More information on the subject of data processing can be found in the Privacy Policy,

the text of which is here.

"Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos .Aenean non turpis vitae ligula tristique sagitt isras varius erat pulvinar eros pretium"

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus quis arcu est. Quisque posuere est arcu, id hendrerit orci pulvinar id. Cras egestas metus sit amet felis accumsan, vitae placerat libero sodales. Morbi efficitur maximus massa et aliquam. Quisque vel viverra augue.

Nullam scelerisque erat nisl, eu aliquet quam porttitor et. Aliquam molestie sem augue, non egestas nunc sagittis in. Suspendisse vehicula turpis eget leo sollicitudin, dapibus commodo massa facilisis.

Ut ac tortor eget nibh condimentum congue. In facilisis porttitor iaculis. Etiam vestibulum, nisl nec molestie egestas, velit lorem venenatis tellus, pellentesque blandit nulla sapien accumsan velit. Vivamus purus nunc, dictum nec elit viverra, semper iaculis risus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus quis arcu est. Quisque posuere est arcu, id hendrerit orci pulvinar id. Cras egestas metus sit amet felis accumsan, vitae placerat libero sodales. Morbi efficitur maximus massa et aliquam. Quisque vel viverra augue.

Nullam scelerisque erat nisl, eu aliquet quam porttitor et. Aliquam molestie sem augue, non egestas nunc sagittis in. Suspendisse vehicula turpis eget leo sollicitudin, dapibus commodo massa facilisis.

"Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.Aenean non turpis vitae ligula tristique sagittis. Cras varius erat pulvinar eros pretium suscipit. Duis eleifend sit amet sapien sed ultricies."

Ut ac tortor eget nibh condimentum congue. In facilisis porttitor iaculis. Etiam vestibulum, nisl nec molestie egestas, velit lorem venenatis tellus, pellentesque blandit nulla sapien accumsan velit. Vivamus purus nunc, dictum nec elit viverra, semper iaculis risus.

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